just something that came up while setting up a monitoring script using mailx, figured ill note it down here so i can get it to easily later when I need it 😀
Important prerequisites
You need to enable smtp basic Auth on Office 365 for the account used for authentication
Create an App password for the user account
nssdb folder must be available and readable by the user running the mailx command
Assuming all of the above prerequisite are $true we can proceed with the setup
Install mailx
RHEL/Alma linux
sudo dnf install mailx
NSSDB Folder
make sure the nssdb folder must be available and readable by the user running the mailx command
certutil -L -d /etc/pki/nssdb
The Output might be empty, but that’s ok; this is there if you need to add a locally signed cert or another CA cert manually, Microsoft Certs are trusted by default if you are on an up to date operating system with the local System-wide Trust Store
Append/prepend the following lines and Comment out or remove the same lines already defined on the existing config files
set smtp=smtp.office365.com
set smtp-auth-user=###[email protected]###
set smtp-auth-password=##Office365-App-password#
set nss-config-dir=/etc/pki/nssdb/
set ssl-verify=ignore
set smtp-use-starttls
set from="###[email protected]###"
This is the bare minimum needed other switches are located here – link
-v switch will print the verbos debug log to console
Connecting to . . . connected.
220 xxde10CA0031.outlook.office365.com Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Sun, 6 Aug 2023 22:14:56 +0000
>>> EHLO vls-xxx.multicastbits.local
250-MN2PR10CA0031.outlook.office365.com Hello []
250-SIZE 157286400
220 2.0.0 SMTP server ready
>>> EHLO vls-xxx.multicastbits.local
250-xxde10CA0031.outlook.office365.com Hello []
250-SIZE 157286400
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
>>> Zxxxxxxxxxxxc0BmdC1zeXMuY29t
334 UGsxxxxxmQ6
>>> c2Rxxxxxxxxxxducw==
235 2.7.0 Authentication successful
>>> MAIL FROM:<###[email protected]###>
250 2.1.0 Sender OK
>>> RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
250 2.1.5 Recipient OK
>>> DATA
354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
>>> .
250 2.0.0 OK <[email protected]> [Hostname=Bsxsss744.namprd11.prod.outlook.com]
>>> QUIT
221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel
Now you can use this in your automation scripts or timers using the mailx command
recipient="[email protected]"
subject="Log file from /etc/app/runtime.log"
# Check if the log file exists
if [ ! -f "$log_file" ]; then
echo "Error: Log file not found: $log_file"
exit 1
# Use mailx to send the log file as an attachment
echo "Sending log file..."
mailx -s "$subject" -a "$log_file" -r "[email protected]" "$recipient" < /dev/null
echo "Log file sent successfully."
The above commands change the file’s owner and group to root, then set the file permissions to 600, which means only the owner (root) has read and write permissions and other users have no access to the file.
Use Environment Variables: Avoid storing sensitive information like passwords directly in the mail.rc file, consider using environment variables for sensitive data and reference those variables in the configuration.
For example, in the mail.rc file, you can set:
set smtp-auth-password=$MY_EMAIL_PASSWORD
You can set the variable using another config file or store it in the Ansible vault during runtime or use something like Hashicorp.
Sure, I would just use Python or PowerShell core, but you will run into more locked-down environments like OCI-managed DB servers with only Mailx is preinstalled and the only tool you can use 🙁
the Fact that you are here means you are already in the same boat. Hope this helped… until next time
if you want to prevent directory traversal we need to setup chroot with vsftpd (not covered on this KB)
For the demo I just used Unencrypted FTP on port 21 to keep things simple, Please utilize SFTP with the letsencrypt certificate for better security. i will cover this on another article and link it here
Update and Install packages we need
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install net-tools lsof unzip zip tree policycoreutils-python-utils-2.9-20.el8.noarch vsftpd nano setroubleshoot-server -y
Setup Groups and Users and security hardening
if you want to prevent directory traversal we need to setup chroot with vsftpd (not covered on this KB)
Create the Service admin account
sudo useradd ftpadmin
sudo passwd ftpadmin
Create the group
sudo groupadd FTP_Root_RW
Create FTP only user shell for the FTP users
echo -e '#!/bin/sh\necho "This account is limited to FTP access only."' | sudo tee -a /bin/ftponly
sudo chmod a+x /bin/ftponly
echo "/bin/ftponly" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
Create FTP users
sudo useradd ftpuser01 -m -s /bin/ftponly
sudo useradd ftpuser02 -m -s /bin/ftponly
user passwd ftpuser01
user passwd ftpuser02
Add the users to the group
sudo usermod -a -G FTP_Root_RW ftpuser01
sudo usermod -a -G FTP_Root_RW ftpuser02
sudo usermod -a -G FTP_Root_RW ftpadmin
Disable SSH Access for the FTP users.
Edit sshd_config
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Add the following line to the end of the file
DenyUsers ftpuser01 ftpuser02
Open ports on the VM Firewall
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=20-21/tcp
#Allow the passive Port-Range we will define it later on the vsftpd.conf
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=60000-65535/tcp
#Reload the ruleset
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Setup the Second Disk for FTP DATA
Attach another disk to the VM and reboot if you haven’t done this already
lsblk to check the current disks and partitions detected by the system
sudo mv /etc/vsftpd/user_list /etc/vsftpd/user_listBackup
echo "ftpuser01" | sudo tee -a /etc/vsftpd/user_list
echo "ftpuser02" | sudo tee -a /etc/vsftpd/user_list
instead of putting our hands up and disabling SElinux, we are going to setup the policies correctly
Find the available policies using getsebool -a | grep ftp
getsebool -a | grep ftp
ftpd_anon_write --> off
ftpd_connect_all_unreserved --> off
ftpd_connect_db --> off
ftpd_full_access --> off
ftpd_use_cifs --> off
ftpd_use_fusefs --> off
ftpd_use_nfs --> off
ftpd_use_passive_mode --> off
httpd_can_connect_ftp --> off
httpd_enable_ftp_server --> off
tftp_anon_write --> off
tftp_home_dir --> off
[lxadmin@vls-BackendSFTP02 _logs]$
[lxadmin@vls-BackendSFTP02 _logs]$
[lxadmin@vls-BackendSFTP02 _logs]$ getsebool -a | grep ftp
ftpd_anon_write --> off
ftpd_connect_all_unreserved --> off
ftpd_connect_db --> off
ftpd_full_access --> off
ftpd_use_cifs --> off
ftpd_use_fusefs --> off
ftpd_use_nfs --> off
ftpd_use_passive_mode --> off
httpd_can_connect_ftp --> off
httpd_enable_ftp_server --> off
tftp_anon_write --> off
tftp_home_dir --> off
Set SELinux boolean values
sudo setsebool -P ftpd_use_passive_mode on
sudo setsebool -P ftpd_use_cifs on
sudo setsebool -P ftpd_full_access 1
"setsebool" is a tool for setting SELinux boolean values, which control various aspects of the SELinux policy.
"-P" specifies that the boolean value should be set permanently, so that it persists across system reboots.
"ftpd_use_passive_mode" is the name of the boolean value that should be set. This boolean value controls whether the vsftpd FTP server should use passive mode for data connections.
"on" specifies that the boolean value should be set to "on", which means that vsftpd should use passive mode for data connections.
Enable ftp_home_dir --> on if you are using chroot
Add a new file context rule to the system.
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t public_content_rw_t "/FTP_DATA_DISK/FTP_Root/(/.*)?"
"fcontext" is short for "file context", which refers to the security context that is associated with a file or directory.
"-a" specifies that a new file context rule should be added to the system.
"-t" specifies the new file context type that should be assigned to files or directories that match the rule.
"public_content_rw_t" is the name of the new file context type that should be assigned to files or directories that match the rule. In this case, "public_content_rw_t" is a predefined SELinux type that allows read and write access to files and directories in public directories, such as /var/www/html.
"/FTP_DATA_DISK/FTP_Root/(/.)?" specifies the file path pattern that the rule should match. The pattern includes the "/FTP_DATA_DISK/FTP_Root/" directory and any subdirectories or files beneath it. The regular expression "/(.)?" matches any file or directory name that may follow the "/FTP_DATA_DISK/FTP_Root/" directory path.
In summary, this command sets the file context type for all files and directories under the "/FTP_DATA_DISK/FTP_Root/" directory and its subdirectories to "public_content_rw_t", which allows read and write access to these files and directories.
Reset the SELinux security context for all files and directories under the “/FTP_DATA_DISK/FTP_Root/”
sudo restorecon -Rvv /FTP_DATA_DISK/FTP_Root/
"restorecon" is a tool that resets the SELinux security context for files and directories to their default values.
"-R" specifies that the operation should be recursive, meaning that the security context should be reset for all files and directories under the specified directory.
"-vv" specifies that the command should run in verbose mode, which provides more detailed output about the operation.
"/FTP_DATA_DISK/FTP_Root/" is the path of the directory whose security context should be reset.
Setup Fail2ban
Install fail2ban
sudo dnf install fail2ban
Create the jail.local file
This file is used to overwrite the config blocks in /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf
journalctl -u fail2ban will help you narrow down any issues with the service
sudo tail -f /var/log/fail2ban.log
Fail2ban injects and manages the following rich rules
Client will fail to connect using FTP until the ban is lifted
Remove the ban IP list
#get the list of banned IPs
sudo fail2ban-client get vsftpd banned
#Remove a specific IP from the list
sudo fail2ban-client set vsftpd unbanip <IP>
#Remove/Reset all the the banned IP lists
sudo fail2ban-client unban --all
This should get you up and running, For the demo I just used Unencrypted FTP on port 21 to keep things simple, Please utilize SFTP with the letsencrypt certificate for better security. i will cover this on another article and link it here
If you found this page you already know why you are looking for this, your server /dev/mapper/cs-root is filled due to /var/lib/docker taking up most of the space
Yes, you can change the location of the Docker overlay2 storage directory by modifying the daemon.json file. Here’s how to do it:
Open or create the daemon.json file using a text editor:
sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
"data-root": "/path/to/new/location/docker"
Replace “/path/to/new/location/docker” with the path to the new location of the overlay2 directory.
If the file already contains other configuration settings, add the "data-root" setting to the file under the "storage-driver" setting:
VSX is a cluster technology that allows the two VSX switches to run with independent control planes (OSPF/BGP) and present themselves as different routers in the network. In the datapath, however, they function as a single router and support active-active forwarding.
VSX allows you to mitigate inherent issues with a shared control plane that comes with traditional stacking while maintaining all the benefits
Control plane: Inter-Switch-Link and Keepalive
Data plane L2: MCLAGs
Data plane L3: Active gateway
This is a very similar technology compared to Dell VLT stacking with Dell OS10
Basic feature Comparison with Dell VLT Stacking
Dell VLT Stacking
Aruba VSX
Supports Multi chassis Lag
independent control planes
All active-gateway configuration (L3 load balancing)
✅(VLT Peer routing)
✅(VSX Active forwarding)
Layer 3 Packet load balancing
Can Participate in Spanning tree MST/RSTP
Gateway IP Redundancy
✅(VSX Active Gateway or VRRP)
Setup Guide
What you need?
10/25/40/100GE Port for the interswitch link
VSX supported switch, VSX is only supported on switches above CX6300 SKU
Switch Series
CX 6200 series
CX 6300 series
CX 6400 series
CX 8200 series
CX 8320/8325 series
CX 8360 series
**Updated 2020-Dec
For this guide im using a 8325 series switch
Dry run
Setup LAG interface for the inter-switch link (ISL)
Create the VSX cluster
Setup a keepalive link and a new VRF for the keepalive traffic
Setup LAG interface for the inter-switch link (ISL)
In order to form the VSX cluster, we need a LAG interface for the inter switch communication
Naturally i pick the fastest ports on the switch to create this 10/25/40/100GE
Depending on what switch you have, The ISL bandwidth can be a limitation/Bottleneck, Account for this factor when designing a VSX based solution Utilize VSX-Activeforwarding or Active gateways to mitigate this
Create the LAG interface
This is a regular Port channel no special configurations, you need to create this on both switches
Native VLAN needs to be the default VLAN
Trunk port and All VLANs allowed
interface lag 256
no shutdown
description VSX-LAG
no routing
vlan trunk native 1 tag
vlan trunk allowed all
lacp mode active
interface lag 256
no shutdown
description VSX-LAG
no routing
vlan trunk native 1 tag
vlan trunk allowed all
lacp mode active
Add/Assign the physical ports to the LAG interface
I’m using two 100GE ports for the ISL LAG
interface 1/1/55
no shutdown
lag 256
interface 1/1/56
no shutdown
lag 256
interface 1/1/55
no shutdown
lag 256
interface 1/1/56
no shutdown
lag 256
Do the same configuration on the VSX Peer switch (Second Switch)
Connect the cables via DAC/Optical and confirm the Port-channel health
CORE01# sh lag 256
System-ID : b8:d4:e7:d5:36:00
System-priority : 65534
Aggregate lag256 is up
Admin state is up
Description : VSX-LAG
Type : normal
MAC Address : b8:d4:e7:d5:36:00
Aggregated-interfaces : 1/1/55 1/1/56
Aggregation-key : 256
Aggregate mode : active
Hash : l3-src-dst
LACP rate : slow
Speed : 200000 Mb/s
Mode : trunk
CORE02# sh lag 256
System-ID : b8:d4:e7:d5:f3:00
System-priority : 65534
Aggregate lag256 is up
Admin state is up
Description : VSX-LAG
Type : normal
MAC Address : b8:d4:e7:d5:f3:00
Aggregated-interfaces : 1/1/55 1/1/56
Aggregation-key : 256
Aggregate mode : active
Hash : l3-src-dst
LACP rate : slow
Speed : 200000 Mb/s
Mode : trunk
Form the VSX Cluster
under the configuration mode, go in to the VSX context by entering “vsx” and issue the following commands on both switches
inter-switch-link lag 256
role primary
linkup-delay-timer 30
inter-switch-link lag 256
role secondary
linkup-delay-timer 30
Check the VSX Status
CORE01# sh vsx status
VSX Operational State
ISL channel : In-Sync
ISL mgmt channel : operational
Config Sync Status : In-Sync
NAE : peer_reachable
HTTPS Server : peer_reachable
Attribute Local Peer
------------ -------- --------
ISL link lag256 lag256
ISL version 2 2
System MAC b8:d4:e7:d5:36:00 b8:d4:e7:d5:f3:00
Platform 8325 8325
Software Version GL.10.06.0001 GL.10.06.0001
Device Role primary secondary
CORE02# sh vsx status
VSX Operational State
ISL channel : In-Sync
ISL mgmt channel : operational
Config Sync Status : In-Sync
NAE : peer_reachable
HTTPS Server : peer_reachable
Attribute Local Peer
------------ -------- --------
ISL link lag256 lag256
ISL version 2 2
System MAC b8:d4:e7:d5:f3:00 b8:d4:e7:d5:36:00
Platform 8325 8325
Software Version GL.10.06.0001 GL.10.06.0001
Device Role secondary primary
Setup the Keepalive Link
its recommended to set up a Keepalive link to avoid Split-brain scenarios if the ISL goes down, We are trying to prevent both switches from thinking they are the active devices creating STP loops and other issues on the network
This is not a must-have, it’s nice to have, As of Aruba CX OS 10.06.x you need to sacrifice one of your data ports for this
Dell OS10 VLT archives this via the OOBM network ports, Supposedly Keepalive over OOBM is something Aruba is working on for future releases
Few things to note
It’s recommended using a routed port in a separate VRF for the keepalive link
can use a 1Gbps link for this if needed
Provision the port and VRF
interface 1/1/48
no shutdown
vrf attach KEEPALIVE
description VSX-keepalive-Link
ip address
interface 1/1/48
no shutdown
vrf attach KEEPALIVE
description VSX-keepalive-Link
ip address
Define the Keepalive link
Note – Remember to define the vrf id in the keepalive statement
Thanks /u/illumynite for pointing that out
inter-switch-link lag 256
role primary
keepalive peer source vrf KEEPALIVE
linkup-delay-timer 30
inter-switch-link lag 256
role secondary
keepalive peer source vrf KEEPALIVE
linkup-delay-timer 30
Let me address the question of why I decided to put a DNS server (Pihole) exposed to the internet (not fully open but still).
I needed/wanted to set up an Umbrella/NextDNS/CF type DNS server that’s publicly accessible but secured to certain IP addresses.
Sure NextDNS is an option and its cheap with similar features, but i wanted roll my own solution so i can learn a few things along the way
I can easily set this up for my family members with minimal technical knowledge and unable to deal with another extra device (Raspberry pi) plugged into their home network.
This will also serve as a quick and dirty guide on how to use Docker compose and address some Issues with Running Pi-hole, Docker with UFW on Ubuntu 20.x
So lets get stahhhted…….
Setup Pi-hole as a docker container on a VM
Enable IPV6 support
Setup UFW rules to prune traffic and a cronjob to handle the rules to update with the dynamic WAN IPs
Deploy and test
What we need
Linux VM (Ubuntu, Hardened BSD, etc)
Docker and Docker Compose
Dynamic DNS service to track the changing IP (Dyndns,no-Ip, etc)
Setup Dynamic DNS solution to track your Dynamic WAN IP
for this demo, we are going to use DynDNS since I already own a paid account and its supported on most platforms (Routers, UTMs, NAS devices, IP camera-DVRs, etc)
Use some google-fu there are multiple ways to do this without having to pay for the service, all we need is a DNS record that's up-to-date with your current Public IP address.
For Network A and Network B, I’m going to use the routers built-in DDNS update features
Network A gateway – UDM Pro
Network B Gateway – Netgear R6230
Setup the VM with Docker-compose
Pick your service provider, you can and should be able to use a free tier VM for this since its just DNS
AWS lightsail
IBM cloud
Oracle cloud
Google Compute
Digital Ocean droplet
Make sure you have a dedicated (static) IPv4 and IPv6 address attached to the resource
For this deployment, I’m going to use a Linode – Nanode, due to their native IPv6 support and cause I prefer their platform for personal projects
Lets Configure the docker networking side to fit our Needs
Create a Seperate Bridge network for the Pi-holecontainer
I guess you could use the default bridge network, but I like to create one to keep things organized and this way this service can be isolated from the other containers I have
With the new ubuntu version 20.x, Systemd will start a local DNS stub client that runs on
which will prevent the container from starting. because Pi-hole binds to the same port UDP 53
we could disable the service but that breaks DNS resolution on the VM causing more headaches and pain for automation and updates
After some google fu and trickering around this this is the workaround i found.
Disable the stub-listener
Change the symlink to the /etc/resolved.conf to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf
push the external name servers so the VM won’t look at loopback to resolve DNS
Restart systemd-resolved
Resolving Conflicts with the systemd-resolved stub listener
We need to disable the stub listener thats bound to port 53, as i mentioned before this breaks the local dns resolution we will fix it in a bit.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
Find and uncomment the line “DNSStubListener=yes” and change it to “no”
After this we need to push the external DNS servers to the box, this setting is stored on the following file
# is the systemd-resolved stub resolver.
# run "systemd-resolve --status" to see details about the actual nameservers.
But we cant manually update this file with out own DNS servers, lets investigate
ls -l /etc/resolv.conf
its a symlink to the another system file
When you take a look at the directory where that file resides, there are two files
When you look at the other file you will see that /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf is the one which really is carrying the external name servers
You still can’t manually edit This file, and it gets updated by whatever the IPs provided as DNS servers via DHCP. netplan will dictate the IPs based on the static DNS servers you configure on Netplan YAML file
i can see there two entries, and they are the default Linode DNS servers discovered via DHCP, I’m going to keep them as is, since they are good enough for my use case
container_name – This is the name of the container on the docker container registry
image – What image to pull from the Docker Hub
hostname – This is the host-name for the Docker container – this name will show up on your lookup when you are using this Pi-hole
ports – What ports should be NATed via the Docker Bridge to the host VM
TZ – Time Zone
DNS1 – DNS server used with in the image
DNS2 – DNS server used with in the image
WEBPASSWORD – Password for the Pi-Hole web console
ServerIP – Use the IPv4 address assigned to the VMs network interface(You need this for the Pi-Hole to respond on the IP for DNS queries)
IPv6 – Enable Disable IPv6 support
ServerIPv6 – Use the IPv4 address assigned to the VMs network interface (You need this for the Pi-Hole to respond on the IP for DNS queries)
volumes – These volumes will hold the configuration data so the container settings and historical data will persist reboots
cap_add:- NET_ADMIN – Add Linux capabilities to edit the network stack – link
restart: always – This will make sure the container gets restarted every time the VM boots up – Link
networks:default:external:name: Piholev6 – Set the container to use the network bridge we created before
Now lets bring up the Docker container
docker-compose up -d
-d switch will bring up the Docker container in the background
Run ‘Docker ps’ to confirm
Now you can access the web interface and use the Pihole
verifying its using the bridge network you created
Grab the network ID for the bridge network we create before and use the inspect switch to check the config
docker network ls
docker network inspect f7ba28db09ae
This will bring up the full configuration for the Linux bridge we created and the containers attached to the bridge will be visible under the “Containers”: tag
I manually configured my workstations primary DNS to the Pi-Hole IPs
Updating the docker Image
Pull the new image from the Registry
docker pull pihole/pihole
Take down the current container
docker-compose down
Run the new container
docker-compose up -d
Your settings will persist this update
Securing the install
now that we have a working Pi-Hole with IPv6 enabled, we can login and configure the Pihole server and resolve DNS as needed
but this is open to the public internet and will fall victim to DNS reflection attacks, etc
lets set up firewall rules and open up relevant ports (DNS, SSH, HTTPS) to the relevant IP addresses before we proceed
Disable IPtables from the docker daemon
Ubuntu uses UFW (uncomplicated firewall) as an obfuscation layer to make things easier for operators, but by default, Docker will open ports using IPtables with higher precedence, Rules added via UFW doesn’t take effect
So we need to tell docker not to do this when launching a container so we can manage the firewall rules via UFW
This file may not exist already if so nano will create it for you
sudo nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
Add the following lines to the file
"iptables": false
restart the docker services
sudo systemctl restart docker
now doing this might disrupt communication with the container until we allow them back in using UFW commands, so keep that in mind.
Automatically updating Firewall Rules based on the DYN DNS Host records
we are going to create a shell script and run it every hour using crontab
Shell Script Dry run
Get the IP from the DYNDNS Host records
remove/Cleanup existing rules
Add Default deny Rules
Add allow rules using the resolved IPs as the source
Dynamic IP addresses are updated on the following DNS records
Lets start by creating the script file under /bin/*
now=$(date +"%m/%d/%T")
#Get the network IP using dig
Network01_CurrentIP=`dig +short $DYNDNSNetwork01`
Network02_CurrentIP=`dig +short $DYNDNSNetwork02`
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
echo Network A WAN IP $Network01_CurrentIP
echo Network B WAN IP $Network02_CurrentIP
echo "Script Run time : $now"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
#update firewall Rules
#reset firewall rules
sudo ufw --force reset
#Re-enable Firewall
sudo ufw --force enable
#Enable inbound default Deny firewall Rules
sudo ufw default deny incoming
#add allow Rules to the relevant networks
sudo ufw allow from $Network01_CurrentIP to any port 22 proto tcp
sudo ufw allow from $Network01_CurrentIP to any port 8080 proto tcp
sudo ufw allow from $Network01_CurrentIP to any port 53 proto udp
sudo ufw allow from $Network02_CurrentIP to any port 53 proto udp
#add the ipV6 DNS allow all Rule - Working on finding an effective way to lock this down, with IPv6 rick is minimal
sudo ufw allow 53/udp
#find and delete the allow any to any IPv4 Rule for port 53
sudo ufw --force delete $(ufw status numbered | grep '53*.*Anywhere.' | grep -v v6 | awk -F"[][]" '{print $2}')
echo "--------------------end Script------------------------------"
Lets run the script to make sure its working
I used a online port scanner to confirm
Setup Scheduled job with logging
lets use crontab and setup a scheduled job to run this script every hour
Make sure the script is copied to the /bin folder with the executable permissions
using crontab -e (If you are launching this for the first time it will ask you to pick the editor, I picked Nano)
Lets say we need to advertise connected routes within VRFs using IGP to an upstream or downstream iP address this is one of many ways to get to that objective
For this example we are going to use BGP to collect connected routes and advertise that over OSPF
interface vlan250
mode L3
description OSPF_Routing
no shutdown
ip vrf forwarding Shared_VRF
ip address
ip ospf 250 area
ip ospf mtu-ignore
ip ospf priority 10
ip vrf Tenant01_VRF
ip vrf Tenant02_VRF
ip vrf Tenant03_VRF
Create and initialize the Interfaces (SVI, Layer 3 interface, Loopback)
We are creating Layer 3 SVIs Per tenant
interface vlan200
mode L3
description Tenant01_NET01
no shutdown
ip vrf forwarding Tenant01_VRF
ip address
interface vlan201
mode L3
description Tenant01_NET02
no shutdown
ip vrf forwarding Tenant01_VRF
ip address
interface vlan210
mode L3
description Tenant02_NET01
no shutdown
ip vrf forwarding Tenant02_VRF
ip address
interface vlan220
no ip address
description Tenant03_NET01
no shutdown
ip vrf forwarding Tenant03_VRF
ip address
interface vlan250
mode L3
description OSPF_Routing
no shutdown
ip vrf forwarding Shared_VRF
ip address
LABCORE# show i
image interface inventory ip ipv6 iscsi
LABCORE# show ip interface brief
Interface Name IP-Address OK Method Status Protocol
Vlan 200 YES manual up up
Vlan 201 YES manual up up
Vlan 210 YES manual up up
Vlan 220 YES manual up up
Vlan 250 YES manual up up
LABCORE# show ip vrf
VRF-Name Interfaces
Shared_VRF Vlan250
Tenant01_VRF Vlan200-201
Tenant02_VRF Vlan210
Tenant03_VRF Vlan220
default Vlan1
management Mgmt1/1/1
Route leaking
For this Example we are going to Leak routes from each of these tenant VRFs in to the Shared VRF
This design will allow each VLAN within the VRFs to see each other, which can be a security issue how ever you can easily control this by
narrowing the routes down to hosts
Using Access-lists (not the most ideal but if you have a playbook you can program this in with out any issues)
Real world use cases may differ use this as a template on how to leak routes with in VRFs, update your config as needed
Create the route export statements wihtin the VRFS
ip vrf Shared_VRF
ip route-import 2:100
ip route-import 3:100
ip route-import 4:100
ip route-export 1:100
ip vrf Tenant01_VRF
ip route-export 2:100
ip route-import 1:100
ip vrf Tenant02_VRF
ip route-export 3:100
ip route-import 1:100
ip vrf Tenant03_VRF
ip route-export 4:100
ip route-import 1:100
Lets Explain this a bit
ip vrf Shared_VRF
ip route-import 2:100 -----------> Import Leaked routes from target 2:100
ip route-import 3:100 -----------> Import Leaked routes from target 3:100
ip route-import 4:100 -----------> Import Leaked routes from target 4:100
ip route-export 1:100 -----------> Export routes to target 1:100
if you need to filter out who can import the routes you need to use the route-map with prefixes to filter it out
Setup static routes per VRF as needed
ip route vrf Tenant01_VRF interface vlan200
ip route vrf Tenant01_VRF interface vlan201
ip route vrf Tenant02_VRF interface vlan210
ip route vrf Tenant03_VRF interface vlan220
ip route vrf Shared_VRF interface vlan25
Now these static routes will be leaked and learned by the shared VRF
the Default route on the Shared VRF will be learned downstream by the tenant VRFs
instead of the default route on the shared VRF, if you scope it to a certain IP or a subnet you can prevent the traffic routing between the VRFs via the Shared VRF
if you need routes directly leaked between Tenents use the ip route-import on the VRF as needed
Routes are being distributed via internal BGP process
LABCORE# show ip route vrf Tenant01_VRF
Codes: C - connected
S - static
B - BGP, IN - internal BGP, EX - external BGP, EV - EVPN BGP
O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
E2 - OSPF external type 2, * - candidate default,
+ - summary route, > - non-active route
Gateway of last resort is via to network
Destination Gateway Dist/Metric Last Change
*B IN via 200/0 12:17:42
C via vlan200 0/0 12:43:46
C via vlan201 0/0 12:43:46
LABCORE# show ip route vrf Tenant02_VRF
Codes: C - connected
S - static
B - BGP, IN - internal BGP, EX - external BGP, EV - EVPN BGP
O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
E2 - OSPF external type 2, * - candidate default,
+ - summary route, > - non-active route
Gateway of last resort is via to network
Destination Gateway Dist/Metric Last Change
*B IN via 200/0 12:17:45
C via vlan210 0/0 12:43:49
LABCORE# show ip route vrf Tenant03_VRF
Codes: C - connected
S - static
B - BGP, IN - internal BGP, EX - external BGP, EV - EVPN BGP
O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
E2 - OSPF external type 2, * - candidate default,
+ - summary route, > - non-active route
Gateway of last resort is via to network
Destination Gateway Dist/Metric Last Change
*B IN via 200/0 12:17:48
C via vlan220 0/0 12:43:52
LABCORE# show ip route vrf Shared_VRF
Codes: C - connected
S - static
B - BGP, IN - internal BGP, EX - external BGP, EV - EVPN BGP
O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1,
N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2, E1 - OSPF external type 1,
E2 - OSPF external type 2, * - candidate default,
+ - summary route, > - non-active route
Gateway of last resort is via to network
Destination Gateway Dist/Metric Last Change
*S via vlan250 1/0 12:21:33
B IN Direct,Tenant01_VRF vlan200 200/0 09:01:28
B IN Direct,Tenant01_VRF vlan201 200/0 09:01:28
C via vlan250 0/0 12:42:53
B IN Direct,Tenant02_VRF vlan210 200/0 09:01:28
B IN Direct,Tenant03_VRF vlan220 200/0 09:02:09
We can ping outside to the internet from the VRF IPs
You can use a Internal BGP process to pickup routes from any VRF and redistribute them to other IGP processes as needed – Check the Article for that information
Let’s talk a little bit about this code and unpack this
Vagrant API version
Vagrant uses API versions for its configuration file, this is how it can stay backward compatible. So in every Vagrantfile we need to specify which version to use. The current one is version 2 which works with Vagrant 1.1 and up.
Provisioning the Ansible VM
This will
Provision the controller Ubuntu VM
Create a bridged network adapter
Set the host-name – LAB-Controller
Set the static IP –
Run the Shell script that installs Ansible using apt-get install (We will get to this below)
Lets start digging in…
Specifying the Controller VM Name, base box and hostname
Vagrant uses a base image to clone a virtual machine quickly. These base images are known as “boxes” in Vagrant, and specifying the box to use for your Vagrant environment is always the first step after creating a new Vagrantfile.
Define the shell script to customize the VM config and install the Ansible Package
Now this is where we define the provisioning shell script
this script installs Ansible and set the host file entries to make your life easier
In case you are wondering VLS stands for V=virtual,L – linux S – server.
I use this naming scheme for my VMs. Feel free to use anything you want; make sure it matches what you defined on the Vagrantfile under node.vm.hostname
We covered most of the code used above, the only difference here is we are using each method to create 3 VMs with the same template (I’m lazy and it’s more convenient)
This will create three Ubuntu VMs with the following Host-names and IP addresses, you should update these values to match you LAN, or use a private Adapter
vls-node1 –
vls-node2 –
vls-node1 –
So now that we are done with explaining the code, let’s run this
Building the Lab environment using Vagrant
Issue the following command to check your syntax
Vagrant status
Issue the following command to bring up the environment
Vagrant up
If you get this message Reboot in to UEFI and make sure virtualization is enabled
Intel – VT-D
AMD Ryzen – SVM
If everything is kumbaya you will see vagrant firing up the deployment
It will provision 4 VMs as we specified
Notice since we have the “vagrant-vbguest” plugin installed, it will reinstall the relevant guest tools along with the dependencies for the OS
==> vls-node3: Machine booted and ready!
[vls-node3] No Virtualbox Guest Additions installation found.
rmmod: ERROR: Module vboxsf is not currently loaded
rmmod: ERROR: Module vboxguest is not currently loaded
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package 'virtualbox-guest-x11' is not installed, so not removed
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
After this operation, 5799 kB disk space will be freed.
(Reading database ... 61617 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing virtualbox-guest-utils (6.0.14-dfsg-1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.7-3) ...
(Reading database ... 61604 files and directories currently installed.)
Purging configuration files for virtualbox-guest-utils (6.0.14-dfsg-1) ...
Processing triggers for systemd (242-7ubuntu3.7) ...
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
linux-headers-5.3.0-51-generic is already the newest version (5.3.0-51.44).
linux-headers-5.3.0-51-generic set to manually installed.
Check the status
Vagrant status
Connecting via SSH to your VMs
vagrant ssh controller
“Controller” is the VMname we defined before not the hostname, You can find this by running Vagrant status on posh or your terminal
We are going to connect to our controller and check everything
Little bit more information on the networking side
Vagrant Adds two interfaces, for each VM
NIC 1 – Nat’d in to the host (control plane for Vagrant to manage the VMs)
NIC 2 – Bridged adapter we provisioned in the script with the IP Address
Default route is set via the Private(NAT’d) interface (you cant change it)
Netplan configs
Vagrant creates a custom netplan yaml for interface configs
I hope this helped someone. when I started with Vagrant a few years back it took me a few tries to figure out the system and the logic behind it, this will give you a basic understanding on how things are plugged together.
let me know in the comments if you see any issues or mistakes.
During an Office 365 migration on a Hybrid environment with AAD Connectran into the following scenario:
Hybrid Co-Existence Environment with AAD-Sync
User [email protected] has a mailbox on-premises. Jon is represented as a Mail User in the cloud with an office 365 license
[email protected] had a cloud-only mailbox prior to the initial AD-sync was run
A user account is registered as a mail-user and has a valid license attached
During the office 365 Remote mailbox move, we end up with the following error during validation and removing the immutable ID and remapping to on-premise account won’t fix the issue
Target user 'Sam fisher' already has a primary mailbox. + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (tsu:MailboxOrMailUserIdParameter) [New-MoveRequest], RecipientTaskException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=Pl-EX001,RequestId=19e90208-e39d-42bc-bde3-ee0db6375b8a,TimeStamp=11/6/2019 4:10:43 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-RecipientTaskException] 9418C1E1,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Migration.MailboxRep lication.MoveRequest.NewMoveRequest + PSComputerName : Pl-ex001.Paladin.org
It turns out this happens due to an unclean cloud object on MSOL, This is because Exchange online keeps pointers that indicate that there used to be a mailbox in the cloud for this user
Option 1 (nuclear option)
to fix this problem was to delete *MSOL User Object* for Sam and re-sync it from on-premises. This would delete [email protected] from the cloud – but it will delete him/her from all workloads, not only Exchange. This is problematic because Sam is already using Teams, One-drive, SharePoint.
Option 2
Clean up only the office 365 mailbox pointer information
Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Delete all existing information about user "[email protected]"?. This operation will clear existing values from Previous home MDB and Previous Mailbox GUID of the user. After deletion, reconnecting to the previous mailbox that existed in the cloud will not be possible and any content it had will be unrecoverable PERMANENTLY. Do you want to continue? [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (default is "Y"): a
Executing this leaves you with a clean object without the duplicate-mailbox problem,
in some cases when you run this command you will get the following output
“Command completed successfully, but no user settings were changed.”
If this happens
Remove the license from the user temporarily and run the command to remove previous mailbox data
Update Manager is bundled in the vCenter Server Appliance since version 6.5, it’s a plug-in that runs on the vSphere Web Client. we can use the component to
patch/upgrade hosts
deploy .vib files within the V-Center
Scan your VC environment and report on any out of compliance hosts
Hardcore/Experienced VMware operators will scoff at this article, but I have seen many organizations still using ILO/IDRAC to mount an ISO to update hosts and they have no idea this function even exists.
Now that’s out of the way Let’s get to the how-to part of this
In Vcenter click the “Menu” and drill down to the “Update Manager”
This Blade will show you all the nerd knobs and overview of your current Updates and compliance levels
Click on the “Baselines” Tab
You will have two predefined baselines for security patches created by the Vcenter, let keep that aside for now
Navigate to the “ESXi Images” Tab, and Click “Import”
Once the Upload is complete, Click on “New Baseline”
Fill in the Name and Description that makes sense to anyone that logs in and click Next
Select the image you just Uploaded before on the next Screen and continue through the wizard and complete it
Note – If you have other 3rd party software for ESXI you can create seprate baselines for those and use baseline Groups to push out upgrades and vib files at the same time
Now click the “Menu” and Navigate Backup to “Hosts and Clusters”
Now you can apply the Baseline this at various levels within the Vcenter Hierarchy
Vcenter | DataCenter | Cluster | Host
Depending on your use case pick the right level
Excerpt from the KB
For ESXi hosts in a cluster, the remediation process is sequential by default. With Update Manager, you can select to run host remediation in parallel.
When you remediate a cluster of hosts sequentially and one of the hosts fails to enter maintenance mode, Update Manager reports an error, and the process stops and fails. The hosts in the cluster that are remediated stay at the updated level. The ones that are not remediated after the failed host remediation are not updated. If a host in a DRS enabled cluster runs a virtual machine on which Update Manager or vCenter Server are installed, DRS first attempts to migrate the virtual machine running vCenter Server or Update Manager to another host so that the remediation succeeds. In case the virtual machine cannot be migrated to another host, the remediation fails for the host, but the process does not stop. Update Manager proceeds to remediate the next host in the cluster.
The host upgrade remediation of ESXi hosts in a cluster proceeds only if all hosts in the cluster can be upgraded.
Remediation of hosts in a cluster requires that you temporarily disable cluster features such as VMware DPM and HA admission control. Also, turn off FT if it is enabled on any of the virtual machines on a host, and disconnect the removable devices connected to the virtual machines on a host, so that they can be migrated with vMotion. Before you start a remediation process, you can generate a report that shows which cluster, host, or virtual machine has the cluster features enabled.
Creating a persistent scratch location for ESXi – https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1033696
Cause 2
Hardware is not compatible,
I had this issue due to 6.7 dropping support for an LSI Raid card on an older firmware, you need to do some foot work and check the log files to figure out why its failing