“System logs on hosts are stored on non-persistent storage” message on VCenter Ran into this pesky little error message recently, on a vcenter environment If the logs are stored on a local Deploying User Cutomizations & Office suit setting for M$ Office via Group Policy Hello internetzzzAs an Administrator, you might run in to situations that requires you to Deploy UI customizations such as customized Hacking WatchGuard Firebox to Run pfsense- nanoBSD Hi Internetz, its been a while...So we had an old Firebox X700 laying around in office gathering dust. I saw Vagrant Ansible LAB Guide – Bridged network Here's a is a quick guide to get you started with a "Ansible core lab" using Vagrant. Alright lets get Server 2016 Data De-duplication Report – Powershell I put together this crude little script to send out a report on a daily basis it's not that fancy VRF Setup with route leaking guide Dell S4112F-ON – OS Scope - Create Three VRFs for Three separate clients Create a Shared VRF Leak routes from each VRF to the PowerShell remoting (WinRM) over HTTPS using a AD CS PKI (CA) signed client Certificate Guide to show you how to enroll your servers/desktops with a CA signed cert and set up WinRM over HTTPS Guide – Secure UniFi Cloud Controller on AWS lightsail signed with Lets-encrypt SSL Secure Unify controller on AWS using a free SSL certificate from LetsEncrypt, This guide will apply for any Debian based Reducing Dell PowerEdge (PE) 2950/2900/2800 II/III fan noise – Fan mod + BMC firmware mod (Noob friendly guide) Dell 2950 III is one of the best bang for the buck servers you can find on Ebaym but there External Pi-hole with IPv6 – Setup a secured Pi-hole DNS service on Docker using Linode/AWS Setup your own cloud based DNS service on the cheap using pubic cloud service providers 1 2 3 4 Next »