Upgrading VMware EXSI Hosts using Vcenter Update Manager Baseline (6.5 to 6.7 Update 2)

Update Manager is bundled in the vCenter Server Appliance since version 6.5, it’s a plug-in that runs on the vSphere Web Client.  we can use the component to

  • patch/upgrade hosts
  • deploy .vib files within the V-Center
  • Scan your VC environment and report on any out of compliance hosts

Hardcore/Experienced VMware operators will scoff at this article, but I have seen many organizations still using ILO/IDRAC to mount an ISO to update hosts and they have no idea this function even exists.

Now that’s out of the way Let’s get to the how-to part of this

In Vcenter click the “Menu” and drill down to the “Update Manager”

This Blade will show you all the nerd knobs and overview of your current Updates and compliance levels

Click on the “Baselines” Tab

You will have two predefined baselines for security patches created by the Vcenter, let keep that aside for now

Navigate to the “ESXi Images” Tab, and Click “Import”

Once the Upload is complete, Click on “New Baseline”

Fill in the Name and Description that makes sense to anyone that logs in and click Next

Select the image you just Uploaded before on the next Screen and continue through the wizard and complete it

Note – If you have other 3rd party software for ESXI you can create seprate baselines for those and use baseline Groups to push out upgrades and vib files at the same time 

Now click the “Menu” and Navigate Backup to “Hosts and Clusters”

Now you can apply the Baseline this at various levels within the Vcenter Hierarchy

Vcenter | DataCenter | Cluster | Host

Depending on your use case pick the right level

Excerpt from the KB 

For ESXi hosts in a cluster, the remediation process is sequential by default. With Update Manager, you can select to run host remediation in parallel.

When you remediate a cluster of hosts sequentially and one of the hosts fails to enter maintenance mode, Update Manager reports an error, and the process stops and fails. The hosts in the cluster that are remediated stay at the updated level. The ones that are not remediated after the failed host remediation are not updated. If a host in a DRS enabled cluster runs a virtual machine on which Update Manager or vCenter Server are installed, DRS first attempts to migrate the virtual machine running vCenter Server or Update Manager to another host so that the remediation succeeds. In case the virtual machine cannot be migrated to another host, the remediation fails for the host, but the process does not stop. Update Manager proceeds to remediate the next host in the cluster.

The host upgrade remediation of ESXi hosts in a cluster proceeds only if all hosts in the cluster can be upgraded.

Remediation of hosts in a cluster requires that you temporarily disable cluster features such as VMware DPM and HA admission control. Also, turn off FT if it is enabled on any of the virtual machines on a host, and disconnect the removable devices connected to the virtual machines on a host, so that they can be migrated with vMotion. Before you start a remediation process, you can generate a report that shows which cluster, host, or virtual machine has the cluster features enabled.

Link to KB on Remediation

Moving on; for this example, since I have only 2 hosts. we are going apply the baseline at the cluster level but apply the remediation at host level

Host 1 > Enter Maintenance > Remediation > Update complete and online

Host 2 > Enter Maintenance > Remediation > Update complete and online

Select the cluster, Click the “Updates” Tab and click on “Attach” on the Attached baselines section

Select and attach the baseline we created before

Click “Check Compliance” to scan and get a report

Select the host in the cluster, enter maintenance mode

Click “REMEDIATE” to start the upgrade. (if you do this at a cluster level if you have DRS, Update Manager will update each node)

This will reboot the host and go through the update process

Foot Notes –

You might run into the following issue

“vCenter cannot deploy Host upgrade agent to host”

Cause 1

Scratch partition is full use Vcenter and change the scratch folder location


Creating a persistent scratch location for ESXi  – https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1033696

Cause 2

Hardware is not compatible,

I had this issue due to 6.7 dropping support for an LSI Raid card on an older firmware, you need to do some foot work and check the log files to figure out why its failing

Vmware HCL – Link

ESXI and Vcenter log file locations – link

“System logs on hosts are stored on non-persistent storage” message on VCenter

Ran into this pesky little error message recently, on a vcenter environment

If the logs are stored on a local scratch disk, vCenter will display an alert stating –  “System logs on host xxx are stored on non-persistent storage”

Configure ESXi Syslog location – vSphere Web Client

Vcenter > Select “Host”> Configure > Advance System Settings

Click on Edit and search for “Syslog.global.logDir”

Edit the value and in this case, I’m going to use the local data store (Localhost_DataStore01) to store the syslogs.

You can also define a remote syslog server using the “Syslog.global.LogHost” setting

Configure ESXi Syslog location – ESXCLI

Ssh on to the host

Check the current location

esxcli system syslog config get

*logs stored on the local scratch disk

Manually Set the Path

esxcli system syslog config set –logdir=/vmfs/directory/path

you can find the VMFS volume names/UUIDs under  –


remote syslog server can be set using

esxcli system syslog config set –loghost=’tcp://hostname:port’

Load the configuration changes with the syslog reload command

esxcli system syslog reload

The logs will immediately begin populating the specified location.

Unable to upgrade vCenter 6.5/6.7 to U2: Root password expired

As a Part of my pre-flight check for Vcenter upgrades i like to mount the ISO and go through the first 3 steps, during this I noticed the installer cannot connect to the source appliance with this error 

2019-05-01T20:05:02.052Z - info: Stream :: close
2019-05-01T20:05:02.052Z - info: Password not expired
2019-05-01T20:05:02.054Z - error: sourcePrecheck: error in getting source Info: ServerFaultCode: Failed to authenticate with the guest operating system using the supplied credentials.
2019-05-01T20:05:03.328Z - error: Request timed out after 30000 ms, url: https://vcenter.companyABC.local:443/
2019-05-01T20:05:09.675Z - info: Log file was saved at: C:\Users\MCbits\Desktop\installer-20190501-160025555.log

trying to reset via the admin interface or the DCUI didn’t work,  after digging around found a way to reset it by forcing the vcenter to boot in to single user mode


  1. Take a snapshot or backup of the vCenter Server Appliance before proceeding. Do not skip this step.
  2. Reboot the vCenter Server Appliance.
  3. After the OS starts, press e key to enter the GNU GRUB Edit Menu.
  4. Locate the line that begins with the word Linux.
  5. Append these entries to the end of the line: rw init=/bin/bash The line should look like the following screenshot:

After adding the statement, press F10 to continue booting 

Vcenter appliance will boot into single user mode

Type passwd to reset the root password

if you run into the following error message

"Authentication token lock busy"

you need to re-mount the filesystem in RW, which lets you change between read-only and read-write. this will allow you to make changes

mount -o remount,rw /

Until next time !!!