We will proceed assuming
you already configured the ASA with the primary link
Configured the WAN2 on a port with the static IP or DHCP depending on the connection – you should be able to ping the secondary WAN link gateway from the ASA
Please remove the existing Static Route for the primary WAN link
Configure Route tracking
ASA(config)# route outside <ISP 1(WAN1) Gateway> 1 track 1
ASA(config)# route Backup_Wan <ISP 2 (WAN2) Gateway> 254
Now lets break it down
Line 01 – you add the WAN1 route with a administrative distance of 1 and we also include the track 1 statement for the SLA monitor tracking (See below)
Line 02 – with the second line we add the default route for the BackupWan link with a higher administrative distance to make it the secondary link
ASA(config)# route outside 1 track 1
ASA(config)# route Backup_Wan 254
Setup SLA monitoring and Route tracking
ASA(config)# sla monitor 10
Configure the SLA monitor with ID 10
ASA(config-sla-monitor)# type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho interface outside
Configure the monitoring protocol, the target IP for the probe and the interface use
SLA monitor will keep probing the IP we define here and report if its unreachable via the given interface
In this senario im using as the target IP you can use any public IP for monitoring
ASA(config-sla-monitor-echo)# num-packets 4
Number of packets sent to the probe
ASA(config-sla-monitor-echo)# timeout 1000
Timeout value in milliseconds. if you have a slow link as the primary increase the time out accordingly
ASA(config-sla-monitor-echo)# frequency 10
Frequency of the probe in seconds – SLA monitor will probe the IP every 10 seconds
ASA(config)# sla monitor schedule 10 life forever start-time now
Set the ASA to start the SLA monitor now and keep it running for ever
ASA(config)# track 1 rtr 10 reachability
This command will tell the ASA to keep tracking the SLA monitor with the ID:10 and the Default route defined with “Track 1”
if the probe fails to reach the target IP (in this case via the designated interface it will remove the route defined with “Track 1” from the routing table
The next best possible route in this scenario the backup ISP route with administrative distance of 254 takes its place
Configure dynamic NAT Rules (Important)
nat (inside,<ISP 1(WAN1) Interface Name) source dynamic any interface
nat (inside,<ISP 2(WAN2) Interface Name>) source dynamic any interface
nat (inside,outside) source dynamic any interface
nat (inside,Backup_Wan) source dynamic any interface
This method worked well for me personally and keep in mind i’m no Cisco Guru so if i made a mistake or if you feel like there is a better way to do this please leave comment. its all about the community after all
Until next time stay awesome internetz