Advertise connected routes within VRFs to an upstream or downstream ip address this is one of many ways to get
Secure Unify controller on AWS using a free SSL certificate from LetsEncrypt, This guide will apply for any Debian based
Ran into this pesky little error message recently, on a vcenter environment If the logs are stored on a local
Guide on how to setup mailx with office 365 using app passwords - valid as of Aug 2023
Admin may get asked to set and add / Edit permissions for shared Calendars.these Sharing options are not available in
RKE Cluster MetalLB provides Services with IP Addresses but doesn't ARP for the address - Solution
Scope - Create Three VRFs for Three separate clients Create a Shared VRF Leak routes from each VRF to the
Recently we had a requirement to check SMTP of two diffrent servers and run a script if both servers failed.
"Mail server crashed" worst nightmare for a System admin. Followed by tight Dead lines, incident reports, load of complains you
Setup your own cloud based DNS service on the cheap using pubic cloud service providers
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